Your "Horribly Misread Bible Verses" article shows that you horribly misread key parts yourself! While there is plenty here to seed a good discussion, I'll focus on your comment, "The Bible assumes polygamy, and biblical heroes from Abraham to Solomon have sex with slaves [...]."
While this is true, I'll point out that you misunderstand this notion similar to most skeptics who claim, "you can find anything in the Bible." While this DOES exist in the Bible, nowhere is it CONDONED. The purpose of Solomon, Abraham and their misconduct is to show the Jewish people that even the disobidient amongst us can be used by God.
Similarly, you probably think that since slavery is in the Bible that it is approved by God? Hardly. BUT, since it's a reality of the times, God lays down the rules until it can be wiped from the earth.
I found some of your other ideas here a...stretch.
Additionally, your concept of females as "property" is not an accurate modern translation of the words and concepts. "Responsibility" would be a more apropos description, which is completely different (and far less misogynist) than "property". We are not their owners, but in a Biblical sense, we are called to be their stewards.