“Ready For Leadership” Indicators

4 min readJun 5, 2022

Seven Things that your superiors are judging about you.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There are simple properties your executives and leaders are looking for when trying to figure out how to arrange an organizational hierarchy. This list breaks down some that are hard to swallow, especially since many of the middle- and low-tier managers around you do not demonstrate these.

That’s because they were the best option available, a situation you really don’t want to be in. “Yeah, we promoted Tristain. We had no other options.”

Some of these aren’t intuitive, and may be hard to believe. You should probably start there.

#1 You don’t hog the work

You are the most experienced in a discipline, but you let others have a say, and even have their way. They may not have the best way, but if it’s a way that may work, you let them find out, and you help them succeed with their plan.

1.5 You don’t say “I told you so”

(One of my great failings early in my career. I had a boss yell at me for 30 minutes telling me “I don’ t want to hear a single f****** ‘I told you so’”)

#2 You support controversial decisions

When managers make decisions you disagree with (maybe even loudly) you still support the decision once it’s made, and you…




Crappy writer with good information. Here to inform and protect through better management and technology. Follow me: https://www.tiktok.com/@cryptoknightus