I'm fascinated by this. I have a *few* traits like this. Few enough that no one would likely consider me on the spectrum. That being said,
I rock side to side if I have to stand still for any length of time.
Hyperfocus on certain things? Yeah, to the point of complete deafness to my surroundings. Zero focus on thing I don't care about. (I play games during meetings... pandemic work from home has allowed me to completely zone out. Not good)
Difficulty following most directions? Yes. I struggle when directions aren't EXACTLY what they should be.
How has this manifested as my superpowers?
I score 70+ on most IQ tests.
I have learned to manage my attention and organization much better. I don't do lists, but ...I do lists.
And I still rock back and forth, earning me an occasional raised eyebrow and a rare "ah ha" moment when they decide I'm on the spectrum
Also, my wife tells me I'm likely AD?D. Who knows? I'm functional, so I'll just say "I'm diagnosable with SOMETHING" and move on.
But now, after reading this article and others, I'm more attuned to it in others, which is good.