1 min readJul 5, 2022


For me, that time came when DFT (Donald Fking Trump) started his misinformation/denial campaign about COVID. Keep in mind, I voted for him (the first time) and sorta supported him for about the first year, but as he showed his colors, that came to an end.

Similarly, as his rabid followers on my FB page started leaving creepy comments like "just wait. Things will happen" on any posts about COVID or the election or whatever, I realized these people felt a need to "know something" before someone else, and when "things will happen" never happened they moved on to the next whisper.

I didn't need them to be nazis to unfriend them. Rather, I just needed to listen to them when they opened their Taco Bell holes and realized that, as a community, they had lost it.

It has become drastic enough that, even as a Republican, I will not vote for any [R] who supports Orange Man.

So, unless Liz or Mitt run, I guess I'm voting Democrat.

So long as people keep standing up for the DT way, I'll be unfriending and blocking.

Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of the current idiot-in-chief, but his moderate Presidency-By-Committee is nonetheless far superior than the previous first family.




Written by CryptoKnight

Crappy writer with good information. Here to inform and protect through better management and technology. Follow me:

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